Get Informed About the COVID-19 Vaccine from Mississippians Who Know


Stay informed with insights from physicians

Spend Time with Family and Friends the Smart Way

By: Dr. Hursie Sullivan

The COVID-19 vaccination is safe, effective and it saves lives! As a Family Medicine physician, I see patients of all ages and I’ve seen the impact that COVID infections have had on patients and their families. As a result, I have encouraged patients to get vaccinated to avoid severe disease and death.  I became vaccinated […] [read more]

Get Vaccinated

By: Dr. Carl Reddix

The physical toll and mental anguish throughout these multiple co-occurring COVID-19 variant pandemics has highlighted the current and anticipated needs of vulnerable communities, especially Mississippi’s African-American citizens. While I am both COVID vaccinated and “BOOSTED”, I am dismayed by the occasional patient/friend/colleague who expresses hesitancy regarding this clear, proven, effective vaccine. A vaccine which will […] [read more]

Travel Safely!

By: Dr. Felice Wyatt

One of the many reasons I chose to be vaccinated is to continue to do what I enjoy, which is travel. Whether I am running within the 50 states or hiking abroad, I am better protected from the coronavirus because of my quadruple vaccination status. If you love traveling for business or leisure or with […] [read more]

Medical Science Has Greatly Advanced

By: Dr. Robert Smith

I am happy that medical science was able, at rapid speed, to come up with one of the safest immunizations that has ever been known to mankind. This has been substantiated by the fact that, in the first year, several hundred million doses have been successfully given with few side effects, and with proven effectiveness […] [read more]

Vaccines Can Help Prevent a Surge of COVID-19 Infections

By: Dr. Vernon Rayford

COVID numbers are rising in my area although not at the super high numbers we’ve seen in the past Winter and Summer of 2021. We do have the opportunity at this point to prevent a surge of infections, hospitalizations and deaths by using what we have learned throughout the pandemic and taking advantage of all of […] [read more]

It Can Save Your Life

By: Dr. Timothy Quinn

The Covid-19 Vaccination is essential in our defense during this pandemic. This vaccination has been scientifically proven to be safe and effective. Overwhelmingly, those that suffered the most from COVID-19 infections were unvaccinated. Getting vaccinated decreases your chances of getting severely ill from COVID infections. Most importantly, it it can also save your life!  [read more]

I Don’t Feel Helpless Anymore!

By: Dr. Natasha Hardeman

Personally, I got vaccinated because I lost two young pregnant mothers to COVID in the early stages of the pandemic. As a physician, I felt helpless. When the vaccine became available, I was vaccinated early. Finally! We had a vaccine that could help prevent or decrease disease severity from this deadly virus. Get vaccinated and […] [read more]

Vaccines Help!

By: Dr. Se'lika Sweet

As of May 2022, Mississippi has had 800,826 confirmed cases of Covid-19. There have been 12,457 deaths. The United States has had 82,260,752 confirmed cases with 998,997 deaths. Worldwide there have been 519,418,513 confirmed cases and 6,258,356 deaths. The Covid-19 vaccine is safe and effective. It helps to protect adults and children older than 5 years of age […] [read more]

The COVID-19 Vaccine Protects More than Physical Health

By: Dr. Clyde Glenn

Did you know that depression, anxiety, ideas of self-harm and completed suicide have increased by as much as 50% among American adolescent and young adult populations since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic in 2019? Isolation, loss of family and friends, disrupted societal norms and economic challenges all combine to create toxic stress and trauma […] [read more]

Don’t Take the Risk!

By: Dr. Joyce Wade Hamme

COVID can cause an acute illness that can lead to respiratory failure and/or death. It can also cause a chronic illness that can lead to a lifelong disability and diminished quality of life. Getting the vaccination can decrease one’s risk for developing either of the two. Head to your nearest vaccination clinic or pharmacy to […] [read more]